Holiday Simmons
“To create a world that moves away from capitalism, patriarchy and white supremacy, I believe it is important to deepen our understanding of how colonial systems and anti-Black racism operate, to work with other Indigenous communities across the US and global south, and to engage in critical self-love and healing in order to sustain ourselves and create new ways of being. ”
Holiday Simmons, MSW is a Black Cherokee, transmasculine and two-spirit activist. With a background in Social Work, Education, and Performing Arts Activism, he has worked on frontlines of the Black trans rights movements, in social work case management, and has served on boards of community organizations. He is one of the founders and active members in the Solutions Not Punishments Coalition (SNaPCO), a Black trans-centered anti-police state collective, operating under the Racial Justice Action Center. He also works with the Southeast Two-Spirit Collective, a group of queer, trans, Indigenous people, and their allies. He is a proud Southerner based out of Atlanta, GA.