Adeoti Oguntoye

A photo of 2024 Atlantic Fellow for Racial Equity Adeoti Oguntoye. A dark skinned Black man, he appears against a navy background, wearing a light blue shirt and navy tie, beneath an argyle print knit vest. He wears subtle smile.

Co-Founder, The Imperative Fund

I am co-founder of the Imperative Fund, an endowment dedicated to the wealth, health and connectedness of Black people across the globe.

My personal commitment is to positively impact the pan-African world. As part of this work, I was a presenter at the 2002 World Conference Against Racism for Africa and the African Diaspora in Barbados. While in graduate school, I also interned at the United Nations in the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) working on issues related to youth globally, and organising the World Youth Forum in Dakar, Senegal. And in 2019, I co-founded Sankofa Tours, a company that takes groups from the Diaspora on guided tours in African nations. I also served as Atlanta chair of Pan-African Ministries for the Pan-African Orthodox Christian Church.

At the Annie E. Casey Foundation, I work as a program officer with a focus on improving the economic outcomes for residents on the southside of Atlanta. At Casey, I also co-led RESPECT, an internal equity affinity group. RESPECT has hosted a number of conversations covering topics including reparations, the treatment of Indigenous people in the U.S., and the human rights abuses in Palestine and Israel.

As a recognised leader in the philanthropic world, I have made a number of presentations in local, national, and international contexts. In 2019, I was also selected as a Connection Leaders Fellow through the Association of Black Foundation Executives (ABFE), where I co-founded The Imperative Fund.

I earned a B.A. in Economics and Psychology from Emory University, and an M.A. in Social Work/Social Policy from Columbia University.