Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity Respond to COVID-19

COVID-19 is upending all of our lives. 

As we adjust to these uncertain times, we’re uplifted by the great work our Fellows are doing to help their communities, share important resources, and offer words of encouragement. 

Below are just some of the ways our Fellows are taking action. 


Obenewa Amponsah

is using her Thursday Thoughts to remind us all about the importance of self-care and reflection.

Zakiya Carr Johnson,

through her organization Odara Solutions, is drawing necessary attention to the impact of #COVID19 on Black women.


Kelly-Eve Koopman

and Femme Projects are providing shelter for people in need in Cape Town. 


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Talila lewis

is reminding the world that solutions to COVID19 must also include people living with disabilities. 


Rukia Lumumba

is partnering with other local groups to raise funds and to provide mobile meals for Jackson families in need. For more information, visit the People’s Advocacy Institute.


Dorah Marema

and the Green Business College are collaborating with 23 permaculture farmers to provide food packages to vulnerable communities across the country.

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Constance Mogale

and the Alliance for Rural Democracy issued a statement calling on the South African government to issue specific plans for how it will address the unique concerns and needs of rural communities.


Koketso Moeti

is bringing much needed attention to the issue of data access for South Africans and sharing intimate stories of how she and her family are coping. 


Lovelyn Chi Nwadeyi

drew attention to the health effects of police brutality against Black people.


Rashad Robinson

and Color of Change started The Black Response campaign to address how the COVID-19 crisis is disproportionately harming Black people.


Michael Smith,

director of the My Brother's Keeper Alliance, passed along some heartening new music.


Dylan Valley

documentary filmmaker and educator, offered us some good advice.