Minhaj Jeenah

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Executive Director, My Vote Counts

Minhaj Jeenah has interests in movement building, popular education, deepening democracy and Islamic liberation theory. He spends his time obliging his 4-year-old son.

Minhaj is the former National Coordinator of the Fight Inequality Alliance – a growing grassroots alliance organising in 30 countries. He attempted to coordinate a democratic process to build a broad-based alliance of community-based organisations, social movements, NGOs, and trade unions in South Africa’s. Prior to joining the Fight Inequality Alliance, he was the head of the political education unit at Equal Education.

Minhaj is currently the executive director at My Vote Counts, an NGO committed to deepening democracy. He hosts and produces Voices of da City, a podcast series exploring identity and resistance through the history of Hip Hop in Cape Town.