AFRE Homecoming

Frequently Asked Questions

(Updated 22 September 2022)

    • Mark the moment by elevating into vision and mobilising into mission

    • Build relationships across cohorts towards greater impact

    • Connect across cohorts and issues
    • Celebrate this community and its work in the world
    • Clear any barriers to belonging among us
    • Create together (ideas, dreams, art, poetry, music)
    • Commit to translating ideas into action

  • Homecoming will take place at Irene Country Lodge, which is located between Johannesburg and Pretoria. AFRE will provide airport transfers to Irene for all Fellows flying into Johannesburg.

    If you're travelling by car, train or bus, AFRE will reimburse you for the cost of your trip, including relevant mileage costs at the standard SARS rate, toll gate fees and/or ride hailing costs.

  • Homecoming will take place on 11-13 November 2022. If you are traveling internationally, please plan to arrive on 10 November and depart on 14 November.

  • The AFRE community has been invited, including Fellows from all five cohorts as well as AFRE Board members, members of institutional partner organisations, and other friends of AFRE.

  • Yes. We will create a booklet with all attendees’ bios. We plan to use Fellow bios as they currently stand on the website. If you’d like to update yours, please email with your new bio by 30th September.

  • Register and book travel using this form. The deadline to submit travel related information is 15 September 2022.

  • Yes, the travel and registration form serves as an RSVP for all attendees.

  • AFRE will provide lodging for the duration of Homecoming (10 to 14 November for those traveling internationally; 11 to 14 November for those based in South Africa), travel, air and ground travel-related costs, airport transfers, and on-site meals. Incidentals are not covered.

    If you have specific travel or accommodation needs (e.g., you would like to extend your stay or upgrade your flight class) please contact

  • Yes. If you’re traveling internationally, AFRE will reimburse your flight costs within preset guidelines for international travel.

    If you're travelling by car, train or bus, AFRE will reimburse you for the cost of your trip, including relevant mileage costs at the standard SARS rate, toll gate fees and/or ride hailing costs.

    Please contact for specific guidance before booking travel on your own.

  • In general, AFRE may reimburse airfare granted that the cost of your customised flight does not exceed the cost of a direct route between Johannesburg and your home city. Fellows will be responsible for any additional costs.

    For specific guidance, please email with the particular nuances of your travel needs.

  • Yes! We do have some limited sightseeing time planned as part of Homecoming programming. However, if you are interested in seeing more of South Africa beyond what we have planned, please feel free to extend your stay at your own cost.

  • On 22 June 2022, the Government of South Africa announced that the remaining COVID-19 regulations have been repealed. For more information, please review the official announcement here.

  • Please email to request a letter.

  • Please email with any special access requirements.

  • Our hope is that Homecoming will present an opportunity for Fellows to give each other the gift of presence, time and attention, just for this weekend, and to arrive with the intention of building and seeing what this group of people could be and accomplish in the world. Therefore, we ask that you please refrain from bringing family members.

    Please note this policy does not apply to nursing parents.

    If you have extenuating circumstances that require the presence of your family, we encourage you to book separate accommodations for them at a nearby hotel.